1. 主讲课程:公共卫生与预防医学导论,卫生化学
2. 研究方向:环境和食品安全分析
1. Ya-Han Cui, Jie Ding, Lan Ding*. Facile construction of magnetic hydrophilic molecularly imprinted polymers with enhanced selectivity based on dynamic non-covalent bonds for detecting tetracycline. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 452, 139291.
2. Ya-Han Cui, Jie Ding, Jia-Sheng Lin, Qiao-Yan Li, Lan Ding*. Cellulose-incorporated imprinted materials with amphiphilic crosslinking structure for selective adsorption of bisphenol A. Industrial Crops and Products 2022, 187, 115308.
3. Ya-Han Cui, Lan Ding,* Jie Ding, Recent advances of magnetic molecularly imprinted materials: From materials design to complex sample pretreatment. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2022, 147, 116514.
4. Ya-Han Cui, Zhong-Yu He, Yang Xu, Yu Su, Lan Ding,* Yi Li, Fabrication of molecularly imprinted polymers with tunable adsorption capability based on solvent-responsive cross-linker. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 405, 126608.
5. Ya-Han Cui, Yan-Hua Chen,* Lan Ding,* Fabrication of dual responsive imprinted materials of magnetic and solvent and their solvent-regulated binding performance for bisphenol A. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 425, 131605.
6. Ya-Han Cui, Jia-Sheng Lin, Yang Xu, Qiao-Yan Li, Yan-Hua Chen, Lan Ding,* Hydrophilic crosslinking agent-incorporated magnetic imprinted materials with enhanced selectivity for sulfamethazine adsorption. Separation and Purification Technology 2021, 276, 119302.
7. Ya-Han Cui, Li-Yan Jiang, Hui-Yu Li, Di Meng, Yan-Hua Chen, Lan Ding, Yang Xu,* Molecularly imprinted electrospun nanofibre membrane assisted stir bar sorptive extraction for trace analysis of sulfonamides from animal feeds. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 2021, 96, 382-389.
8. Ya-Han Cui, Rong Deng, Xiang-Shuai Li, Xing-Huo Wang, Qiong Jia, Emilie Bertrand, Kamel Meguellati,* Ying-Wei Yang,* Temperature-sensitive polypeptide brushes-coated mesoporous silica nanoparticles for dual-responsive drug release. Chinese Chemical Letters 2019, 30 (12), 2291-2294.
9. Ya-Han Cui, Rong Deng, Zheng Li, Xu-Sheng Du, Qiong Jia, Xing-Huo Wang, Chun-Yu Wang, Kamel Meguellati,* Ying-Wei Yang,* Pillar[5]arene pseudo[1]rotaxane-based redox-responsive supramolecular vesicles for controlled drug release. Materials Chemistry Frontiers 2019, 3 (7), 1427-1432.
10. Zhong-Yu He, Ya-Han Cui, Ning Huang, Shu-Liang Yang, Yan-Hua Chen, Lan Ding,* Progress in application of molecularly imprinted polymers based on β-cyclodextrin to environmental and food sample pretreatment. Chinese Journal of Chromatography 2020, 38 (1), 104-112.
11. Qiao-Yan Li, Ya-Han Cui, Jia-Sheng Lin, Chun Zhao, Lan Ding,* Synthesis of carbon microsphere-assisted snowflake-like ZnO nanomaterials for selective detection of NO2 at room temperature. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 2022, 110, 542-551.